Prize Pool
1468698.64 USDT
Prime Network
Loading... USDT
Draws over 400,000 USDT
Prime Network
Loading... USDT
Draws between 10,000 USDT and 33,000 USDT
Loading... USDT
Draws between 1,000 USDT and 5,000 USDT
Loading... USDT
Draws between 300 USDT and 1,000 USDT
Mini Jackpots: Biggest Wins Without Wagering

Every player can randomly hit one of four in-house progressive jackpots. The winnings can be cashed out right away — and yes, no wagering is required!

How to take part?

All you need to do is to play absolutely any game for real money and actively make bets of at least 1 USDT while the jackpot is drawing.

When the drawing occurs?

Jackpots are drawn randomly. They are programmed to be won before reaching the maximum sum (1,000 USDT for Mini, 5,000 USDT for Middle, and 33,000 USDT for Mega). However, the drawing starts only when the minimum sum is accumulated, which is 300 USDT for Mini, 1,000 USDT for Middle, 10,000 USDT for Mega, and 400,000 USDT for Prime Network.

While jackpots are drawing, each bet might bring you a big win!

How do I participate?
Play anything
All games qualify
Be online
Make at least $1 bets
Make a fortune
Every bet can be the winning one
1452107.95  USDT
Hits History
Bülentlevel_4Mini25.03.2025 03:03:06eth0.346706814VIP Blackjack
Bülentlevel_3Middle25.03.2025 00:03:09eth0.938462758VIP Blackjack
ANONYMOUSlevel_4Mini19.03.2025 23:03:42xrp264.825256873Oasis Blackjack 2
Ralflevel_3Middle19.03.2025 09:03:52bnb7.678197817Sugar Rush
ANONYMOUSlevel_4Mini17.03.2025 14:03:11btc0.007903726American Roulette
ANONYMOUSlevel_4Mini14.03.2025 03:03:18xrp223.710993411Oasis Blackjack 2
Nikolaoslevel_4Mini11.03.2025 18:03:36btc0.008962923Roulette Live
Shelleylevel_4Mini08.03.2025 00:03:59usdt740.951013205Bar Black Jack 5
ANONYMOUSlevel_4Mini04.03.2025 22:03:56btc0.007837711VIP Blackjack
Wesleylevel_4Mini28.02.2025 21:02:38xrp394.150374045Rush Fever Soda Pop
Christiaanlevel_4Mini22.02.2025 15:02:47eth0.350741514Fortune Roulette
ANONYMOUSlevel_4Mini18.02.2025 02:02:59btc0.005879449VIP Blackjack
ANONYMOUSlevel_3Middle17.02.2025 23:02:00btc0.031331946VIP Blackjack
sarmalevel_4Mini17.02.2025 01:02:40btc0.005458322Hot Fruits 40
ANONYMOUSlevel_4Mini14.02.2025 01:02:58xrp381.003269347Dolphin's Pearl deluxe
ANONYMOUSlevel_4Mini10.02.2025 01:02:09eth0.345681132Golden Dragon Deluxe
Mikalevel_4Mini05.02.2025 21:02:07btc0.004065366Blackjack 32 - Azure 2
Davidlevel_3Middle04.02.2025 03:02:16eth1.519946178Le Bandit
Uliseslevel_4Mini04.02.2025 01:02:38btc0.007324309Blackjack 80 - Emerald
ANONYMOUSlevel_4Mini31.01.2025 01:01:57xrp136.564345710VIP Blackjack

Terms and Conditions

1. Casino is running a promotional activity titled Jackpots (hereinafter - Promo), which includes 4 levels of progressive jackpots: Prime Network, Mega, Middle, and Mini (hereinafter - Jackpots).

2. All Jackpots grow progressively, meaning that a certain portion of any bet made in any game in Casino is allocated to Jackpots’ prize pools. No additional expenses are required from the player to participate in the Promo.

2.1. All Jackpots have a minimum and a maximum limit, and it is guaranteed that a Jackpot will be drawn before reaching the maximum limit. The minimum limit indicates the sum that should be accumulated before the Jackpot drawing begins. Minimum and maximum limits for all Jackpots are indicated in the paragraph 2.2. of these Terms & Conditions.

2.2. Minimum limits of all Jackpots are as follows: Mini starts at 300 USDT; Middle starts at 1,000 USDT; Mega starts at 10,000 USDT; Prime Network starts at 400,000 USDT. Maximum limits of all Jackpots are as follows: Mini is drawn before reaching 1,000 USDT; Middle is drawn before reaching 5,000 USDT; Mega is drawn before reaching 33,000 USDT.

2.3. Minimum and maximum limits mentioned in paragraph 2.2. of these Terms & Conditions are indicated in USDT, and Jackpots are credited in USDT by default. However, if your account’s default currency is not USDT, you will get the equivalent of the Jackpot’s sum in your active currency in case of winning.

3. The jackpot is a shared prize pool between and All players participating in jackpot-eligible games across both platforms are contributing to the same prize pool. Players from both casinos are eligible to participate in the jackpot and can win the shared prize according to the terms and conditions outlined in each brand’s jackpot rules.

4. reserves the right to pay out the Jackpot sum in several installments which fit daily and weekly limits, in accordance with Terms and Conditions.